Municipal Court
Court Changes allow for Case Resolution without in-person appearances; click here
Municipal Court sessions are being conducted virtually to minimize exposure to COVID-19. Accordingly, all complaints, defendants, attorneys, and victims are to contact the municipal court via email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or at (201) 943-4368 to provide your full name, email address, and cell phone number within seven days of a court notice.
Regular Sessions are held on Wednesday night via zoom. Special Sessions are scheduled periodically.
For tickets not checked, a court appearance is required. Payment is due by the date listed upon the bottom of the ticket. That date is NOT your court date. You must call the Municipal Court to the date listed upon the bottom of the ticket to obtain a Court Date. Tickets checked court appearance required must appear in court on the date listed on your ticket. Also no payments can be made without coming to court.
Useful Links
Municipal Court Opening Statement
Contact Information
Fairview Municipal Court
59 Anderson Avenue, 2nd Floor
Fairview, New Jersey 07022
(201) 943-4368
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.